The Tutorial System
The tutorial system was recently introduced within Samuel Whitbread to compliment the activities taking place within the Society.
Tutorials form the basis of education at all Oxbridge and a majority of Russel group universities so it is important for students to experience the challenge associated with this form of learning.
Within the 6th form, tutorials take place, for the majority of time, during morning registration periods, however subject tutorials can also take place in free periods by prior arrangement with a subject tutor. Tutorials can be either be one to one or a small group depending upon the subject.
During a tutorial, students may be asked to discuss a concept or piece of research that they have undertaken, exploring in great detail the implications of the topic within their chosen subjects. Critical thinking skills form a key aspect of all tutorials with students asked to consider many different aspects of a topic, enhancing their own understanding beyond the confines of the A level curriculum.
Students considering Oxbridge or Russel group entry will be automatically allocated a subject tutor for their likely university subject. Tutorials are available to all Society members irrespective of their university choices and continue through year 12 and 13.
Students have reported that tutorials have really aided them in their understanding of their subjects and enhanced their thinking within subjects as shown below;
I learnt to view
things in different ways, alternative
view points to help
in different situations.
I like being able to discuss as a group different topics as it helps to see other people's opinions and things I may not have considered myself
Year 12 Student.
Year 13 Student.