A Message from Principal, Mr Martin
This week we had the second of our two open evenings for Year 8 students who are thinking of applying to the school for September 2024. Both events went extremely well and visiting families were full of praise for how passionate and knowledgeable our students were. We would like to thank all of the parents/carers who provided lifts which enabled their children to support us. It makes such a difference to the whole experience to hear first hand from the students and as one parent said “your students truly are your best advert for the school”.
This week sees the first of our House debating competitions, with the issue being debated: “This house believes there should be a return to the death penalty in this country”. Each tutor group will debate the issue in turn, as part of a knockout competition, with the winners going through to the next round. The House competition will also be used to select our school debating team, which will take part in an international debating competition against schools from all over the world, including: Kenya, America, Dubai and Scotland.
This week we raised over £140 with a Macmillan coffee morning for staff and members of our Year 9 community. On Sunday, Mrs Linehan and a number of our students, were invited to a service in memory of Robert Bloomfield, where along with hymns and readings, our students read their winning poems in memory of the 200th anniversary of the poet.
Last Saturday we went to Warwick school for a fantastic day of rugby. The U15 and U16 had both made big steps forward since this time last year and the 1st XV narrowly lost by two points - but the highlight of the day was the U14 who secured our first ever win against one of the best rugby schools in the country. There was success in netball too with a win by the 1st VII.
Finally, I would like to thank Miss Hodgson, who has been our social media and marketing apprentice for the last two years and has recently secured an exciting new role. Miss Hodgson has moved our online presence several steps forward in her time at the academy both on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the website. We wish her luck in her new role.
Messages From Heads of Year
Year 9 students have now completed a full month at Samuel Whitbread Academy and I am pleased to report they are demonstrating the school’s values in every lesson, around school and how they interact with students and staff.
The praise points being accrued across the year are outstanding with a number of Year 9 students being top across the whole school! Fortnightly, we celebrate with the students who achieve the most praise points by awarding them with an extended break and hot chocolate. One Year 9 student was awarded a voucher as he has consistently topped the praise table since starting. We’re now also focusing on the tutor groups with the most praise points and at the end of each half-term the top tutor group will receive a present from myself.
Six Year 9 students delivered presentations to a large number of students and parents/carers at our Year 8 Open Evenings. All did an amazing job and should be very proud of their achievement. There were so many positive comments from the parents/carers about how confident they came across. Well done to those students and thank you to all the Year 9 students who supported teachers in the classrooms on both evenings.
Whilst we’ve seen improvements in the standard of uniform, we continue to expect the uniform to be smart and fall in line with our policy, so we ask for your support with this. Students are evidencing they have a better understanding of the behaviour policy. We will continue to set high expectations and expect positive behaviour in the school and within the community. We believe that both behaviour and uniform contribute to a positive school community, and we will continue to have high expectations throughout the year.
On Saturday, our boys’ rugby team travelled to Warwick School for their first match in Whitbread colours. Not only did they come together as a team to deliver an excellent performance, but they also became the first SWA team to ever record a victory against Warwick school in a 15-a-side game. This result put them in the conversation as one of the top U14 sides in the country. This was a fantastic achievement, definitely a team to watch.
Finally, this week we’ve welcomed Mrs Pryor as Pastoral Support for Year 9. Mrs Pryor brings a wealth of experience, we know that she will be a huge asset to the team in providing support to our students.
Please continue to congratulate your children on their successes and achievements so far, they are making excellent progress which should be recognised.
We’re now heading into the sixth week of term and it’s clear that routines have been established in lessons and registration. These routines help to create a consistent environment where all students have the opportunity to prepare for revision and the subsequent mock examinations. PSHE activities in registration have focused on how students can best prepare.
We hope the Year 11 Information Evening was insightful and helped to develop a greater understanding of how the year team can support your child throughout the year. We’ve created an ‘Information at your Fingertips’ newsletter to complement many of the activities students are discussing in registration. The newsletter includes excellent revision ideas that you can use to support your child.
As a year team, we’ll continue to be consistent with our uniform and behaviour expectations. The high standards of the academy enable students to learn in a positive environment and we’re constantly analysing data to develop strategies to support our students, with fortnightly data drops and regular year team meetings.
Mock examinations are just around the corner and we’re aware many students will find it hard to balance the pressure of revision, exam stress and other commitments. As a year team we’ll continue to support individuals, students are also able to speak to their form tutors during registration and the year team during break and lunch, (unless we have a scheduled meeting). Whilst we are there for the students, we always reiterate the importance of being in lessons and taking in key information.
On Thursday 16th November, you’ll have the opportunity to meet your child’s form tutor and ask any questions that you might have. On the same evening, we have our Sixth Form Open Evening and Careers Fair, an excellent opportunity for students to explore options post Year 11. More details on this will follow in our next newsletter.
It has been great to see some trips, visits and competitions take place over the last couple of weeks including trips to St George’s Park and Cambridge University for our physics students, a house debate competition, a fundraising event for a village called Aroumd in the Atlas Mountains and an aspiration event delivered by Cambridge undergraduates. I know that all of these opportunities have helped to benefit our students and complement their understanding of career options or help to develop valuable life skills.
Please do let us know of any achievements outside of school, we are always keen to hear and share their success.
October has come around so quickly, and the early deadline for sending UCAS is fast approaching. We've been impressed with the quality of the applications sent so far. Form tutors are working hard in morning registrations to support students with both university and apprenticeship applications. This is a reminder that students who need further assistance with future choices can have a careers appointment with our independent adviser – please email lfreeman@bestacademies.org.uk
The Year 13 IPE (Internal Progression Exams) schedule has been published and runs from the 21st November to the 7th December. Students should be revising and reviewing their subjects in preparation for this. Finally, we are looking forward to subject PRE on Thursday 12th October; virtual appointments are still available for parents/carers to talk to teachers about progress using the Schoolcloud system.
Our Reading Newsletter for September comes with some exciting news.
At Samuel Whitbread Academy, we recognise student voice is a powerful tool which helps shape our school and its future. We have recruited a team of Reading Ambassadors in Year 10, who will work together to deliver monthly reading recommendations.
Click on the image below to view on web browser.
Eleven students visited Garden House Hospice Care, Letchworth, last week for their Young Entrepreneur Challenge.
This group of students will work on a Dragons’ Den inspired pitch and continue to create and manage their own businesses, with all profits to be donated to the hospice. All had a great day, and the hospice staff were super impressed with our young entrepreneurs!


At Samuel Whitbread Academy, our values allow us to celebrate and appreciate Black History every day.
And for Black History Month, we’re celebrating in a variety of different ways: tutor time activities, student lead assemblies and a Black History Month competition.
Last Friday, drama students from Years 11,12 and 13 participated in an incredible workshop based on the set text Woyzeck, with theatre Company Kat Mary Productions.
Together with the company, the students created some beautiful sequences which were then included in the afternoon's show, watched by an audience of Year 10 and 11 GCSE drama students. The student performers were amazing and so was the audience - a great day for all involved!

Our fun and vibrant performing arts department has been busy sharing exciting content on their social media channels and building awareness around their upcoming events!
Go give them a follow on Twitter and Instagram.
For the whole of last week Whishaw House ran a sweet shop for students and staff. The house raised £561 for a village of Aroumd in the Atlas Mountains, to help rebuild their village.
We want to say a massive well done to those who organised the event and thank you to those who contributed by buying a bag of sweets.

It has been a super busy couple of weeks for our physics department!
To start off the term they visited the Physics at Work exhibition at Cambridge University, where they learned about how different industries use physics. Such exhibitors at the event included the British Antarctic Survey, Rolls Royce and even the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE).
Then this week, physics students in Years 11, 12 and 13 listened to lectures on “Einstein’s Revolutionary Ideas in Physics” and “What Time is it on Mars”.
We hoped that the students involved gained valuable information and experience.

Calling all Year 10 and 11 students.
If you want to know more about University life and plan for your next steps, please attend one of the following seminars; see the image for more information.


At SWA praise points are rewarded in line with our school values and in the past fortnight, students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have received over 7000 praise points. The top 3 values have included determination, teamwork and respect.
Our art department has been incredibly impressed by our new Year 9 students, who have demonstrated excellent art techniques with their bio drawings.
A massive well done and keep up the excellent work!

For the past two Tuesdays, we have opened our doors to prospective Year 9 students and their families. Guests explored the academy and spoke with our amazing community of students and staff.
We would like to say a massive thank you to all the staff and student volunteers who gave their free time to help run the evening and speak with guests. You’re a credit to the school.


This week, Mrs Linehan (Vice Principal) invited parents/carers of Year 9 students and staff to a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise funds for an amazing charity.
Thank you to those who raised a mug and donated; it was a truly wonderful atmosphere.

This year SWA has been working hard to create positive learning environments across the academy whereby we recognise hard work, positive attitudes and praise our students for consistently demonstrating our school values in and outside of the classroom.
Students across Years 9, 10 and 11 who have been identified as receiving the highest amount of praise points in their respective year groups have celebrated with an extended break to enjoy hot chocolate and biscuits with their peers.
At the weekend, teams from across the academy visited Warwick School for a competitive day of rugby games.
A huge well done to all the students who participated last weekend. Here are the results.
- U14s Win - 15-12
- U15s Lost - 7-15
- U16s Lost - 10-43
- U18s Lost - 15-17

On Wednesday 18th October, our PE department is hosting a Sports Open Evening for prospective Year 8 students who have an interest in participating in one of our many sports on offer. The evening starts at 6:00pm with a presentation from the department, then is followed by a tour of the academy.
So the department can have an understanding of numbers, they ask you to complete a Google Form.
Do you have a passion for teaching and learning, want to create an expectational working environment for students and be a part of a dedicated community of staff?
At Samuel Whitbread Academy we have a variety of opportunities. Please see the images below and click the button to read more or apply for any of the roles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
My New Term

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Exciting new job!
We're hiring an Online Marketing and Social Media Apprentice, an excellent opportunity for those looking to get into marketing.
Please click the following link to read more about the role and to apply: https://t.co/ssi7TSaqRH https://t.co/M7qXvk2CK4
1 week ago
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Samuel Whitbread Academy
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Tel: 01462 629900 • Fax: 01462 629901