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Samuel Whitbread Academy


Food at Samuel Whitbread Academy is a department of 3 experienced teachers who are passionate about their subject. Lessons are engaging, with a variety of practical's and theory lessons to widen the scope and learn in different ways. It is a very popular subject and students consistently achieve highly.



Curriculum Sequences

Click on the images for the  Food Preparation & Nutrition Learning Journeys.

RBA Food Tech KS2-3

SWA Food Tech KS3-4



Cultural Capital and Enrichment

There are many opportunities to develop wider experience knowledge in Food.

In the food department we offer the ‘Young Chef Club’, this gives the students the opportunity to advance their skills and try cultural dishes outside of the classroom.

In year 10 the students carry out an afternoon tea, which is a practice assessment but also for the parents to be invited in to see the work that the students have been doing and to celebrate the end of the year and prepare them for year 11.

There is also the opportunity to go to the Good Food Show in London, the students are able to see a variety of stalls showcasing a variety of foods and they are also given the opportunity to try some. There is also a celebrity chef that shows a variety of dishes for the students to see in the theatre.  


Careers Opportunities

Food Preparation and Nutrition at Samuel Whitbread Academy allows students to become well-rounded and confident students, who can make their own acquired knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.